+254 704 343 220 | +254 734 337 838 info@smileviewkenyatoursandtravel.com

Booking Safari in Kenya



The role of Smile view Kenya Safaris, is to manufacture tours and itineraries to fit the requirements of our customers. In doing so, we may use independent suppliers for the provision of selected services. Whatever the case, we accept responsibility for the proper performance of your contract with us subject to the following booking conditions.


Published prices are based on costs at the time of publication. We reserve the right to change published prices at any time before your booking is made.


  • A binding contract between you and Us only exists when we have accepted your booking by issuing an invoice and a deposit has been paid by you. The deposit of 50% of the invoice must be paid on receiving our invoice, and the remainder 30 days before commencement of our services. If payment is not made by the due date, we reserve the right to treat the booking as having been cancelled by you, and apply cancellation charges as set out in paragraph 4(a) below.


(a) by you

Smile view kenya safaris. must be notified of cancellations in writing. Notification between 60 and 31 days before commencement of our services, a cancellation fee of 30% will apply. If notification is received 30 days or less before commencement of our services the cancellation fee payable is 50% of the price. No show forfeit the full tour price (100%).

(b) by us

While doing our utmost to avoid it, we must reserve the right to cancel arrangements. If this should happen (other than due to your default in paying) we will offer the choice of an alternative arrangement (paying or receiving a refund in respect of any price difference) or receiving a full refund of all monies paid. If an arrangement is cancelled because an insufficient number of people have booked a scheduled tour, notification will be given no less than 14 days before commencement of our services. If we are forced to curtail a tour after departure due to circumstances amounting to “force majeure”, we regret we cannot make any refunds or pay any compensation or be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by you as a result.


We reserve the right to make changes to brochure details and holiday arrangements both before and after your booking is made. Most changes will be minor. If we have to make significant changes to an arrangement you will be notified at the earliest possible opportunity. In such cases you will have the choice of either accepting the change or booking alternative arrangements (paying or receiving a refund in respect of any price difference) or cancelling your holiday and receiving an immediate full refund of all monies paid.


“Force Majeure” means those circumstances where the performance of our contract with you is prevented or affected by reasons of war, threat of war, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, governmental actions and all similar events beyond our control. In these circumstances, we shall not be liable to pay any compensation or otherwise be responsible for any expenses or losses you might incur where we are forced as a result to cancel, delay, curtail or change your arrangement in any way or where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented or affected.


(a) quality

We accept responsibility should the services which we are contractually obliged to provide prove deficient or not of a reasonable standard including where this is due to acts and defaults of our employees, agents, suppliers and sub contractors.

(b) general

Please note, our responsibilities and obligations apply only in respect of those services which we agree to arrange or provide on your behalf. We cannot accept any liability for any services which you arrange on your own.


Should a problem occur, please advice both Smile view Kenya tour and travel and the supplier of the service in question immediately as most problems are resolved most easily on the spot. Should you remain dissatisfied, please write to us setting out the complaint in detail.

Proceed Booking

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